Brian McCarthy | The JAZZIZ Podcast

In this captivating episode of the JAZZIZ Podcast, saxophonist/bandleader/composer Brian McCarthy takes us on a sonic expedition into his latest opus, the nonet album AFTER|LIFE. Following the reverberating success of The Better Angels of Our Nature, which artfully reimagined the Civil War era’s melodies and stories, McCarthy’s new release reaches for celestial heights, delving into a profound cosmic exploration.

On AFTER|LIFE, McCarthy expands his artistic canvas, intertwining cultural interpretations of existence beyond with the captivating allure of science. Join us as we explore the stellar ensemble that contributed to this journey and gain insight into the symbiotic collaboration between McCarthy and producer Linda Little. Unlock stories from his formative years and delve into the thoughts and inspirations that shape his compelling visions and compositions.

To listen to the full podcast, CLICK HERE


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